📃Documents & Export Process Improvements | Web
We have revolutionized our export solutions to give you deeper options and better control during the whole process so that you can get things done faster than ever. Check out all the improvements that are now available to you!
- New Cross-Entity capabilities when exporting from Activities or Opportunities: Long gone are the days of having to export different Excel files and link them manually together thanks to our powerful cross-entity export capabilities that let’s you choose the fields you need even if they belong to a different entity!
- Faster and more intuitive export process: We have completely revamped the export process so that we can guide you through it and give you the best course of action based on the complexity of the export you are trying to accomplish (either a direct download that shows you the progress in real-time or an automatic email for those very complex export processes)
We have also been working on improving your experience when managing documents through our document’s management solution through the following:
- Newly redesigned and easier to read Documents tree
- Possibility to find the parent folder of a file when searching or looking at your recent/favorites section
- Improved Drag&Drop experience
Multiselection of Documents and Folders to speed up the delete process so that your documents structure is always spotless!