4 years ago
Pull to Refresh + Performance improvements on Android 🚀
We’re super excited to announce great improvements for our latest Android release!
Finally it’s here – “Pull to Refresh” in the Dashboard: if you want to update the Dashboard, super easy…pull down the screen and you’ll refresh the data!
Battery consumption: you should see battery consumption reduced up to 60% – hands up for our Android team on working hard on this and thanks for your feedback on this much needed improvement!
- Performance improvements all across the app to improve responsiveness and speed
- Improved in screen transitions: we improved almost every single animation while you browse the different sections of the app.
- You can now edit an out of range check-in and change the type to a non-visit type
- New users can now try the app playing with demo data…and if you are already a user you can now share the app with your friends or colleagues and let them try it!