3 years ago
Account Quick Filters radical improvement
We have radically improved our accounts filtering experience offering better customization options. You can completely adapt them to your needs, making sure that the most valuable information is always at your fingertips.
Until now, the experience using Quick Filters was fast and intuitive, but not all fields were available. From now on you can:
- Add any filter you need: you will be able to completely customize which filters appear on the section, no matter the amount of them (no limits) or if they are standard or custom fields.
- Order them the way you want: by reordering the filters on the Quick Filters section you decide how you want them to appear on the screen.
- Use the same filters the next time you log in: you will be able to find active the filter status you set the last time you were connected, so when you log in again you don't have to redo your previous filtering.