Place the information where you can see it

We understand there's information about your Accounts that you must be able to find quickly.

This is why we have improved the Featured Fields section, which you can now find among the main information of any of your Accounts:

The purpose of this is for you to save time looking for those fields you keep checking, such as revenue, last activity or anything you find yourself looking for often!

Your account's Admin can select some Featured Fields for you and your team, on top of the Featured Fields you can select yourself with just one click.

Do you want to know how?

Learn how to add Featured Fields

Account Quick Filters radical improvement

We have radically improved our accounts filtering experience offering better customization options. You can completely adapt them to your needs, making sure that the most valuable information is always at your fingertips.

Until now, the experience using Quick Filters was fast and intuitive, but not all fields were available. From now on you can:

  • Add any filter you need: you will be able to completely customize which filters appear on the section, no matter the amount of them (no limits) or if they are standard or custom fields.
  • Order them the way you want: by reordering the filters on the Quick Filters section you decide how you want them to appear on the screen.
  • Use the same filters the next time you log in: you will be able to find active the filter status you set the last time you were connected, so when you log in again you don't have to redo your previous filtering.

Update Opportunities without no need to edit them (Android)

To optimize your day-to-day, now you can edit your opportunities without accessing the detals! You can modify or add data from the opportunity card itself.

  • We have added the "creation date" field and the Probability in your opportunities details.

We have also added new features and other improvements in Android version 3.47:

  • Now, you can view your opportunities according to your personalized views in Pipeline format.
  • We have added entity type filters (Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities) to the application filters.
  • We have improved how the text fields are displayed. Multiline fields are shown on a new screen, so they are easier to read.

We have overclocked the creation process to make it faster than ever!

Get your work done faster and more efficiently with our new creation process of contacts, activities, events, or tasks from within an account or opportunity.  

Check it out and see the difference for yourself 😉  

These current fields can now be created quickly thanks to our new creation process:

From the account section:
From the opportunity section:
- Contacts
- Opportunities
- Activites
- Events
- Tasks
- Contacs
- Activites
- Events
- Tasks

⚙ All new filters & improved opportunity section | Mobile

As June comes to an end, we want to share a brief summary of our latest improvements that will continue to add more value to your company. These updates are made with one clear objective: for you to maximize and get the most out of ForceManager CRM:

  • New view for opportunities. Visualize your opportunities in pipeline format to have a 360 view of the status of your accounts. Read more.
  • WhatsApp Integration. Now, you can communicate faster and easier with prospects and clients. With this new ForceManager and Whatsapp integration, you are a click away from your clients! Read more.
  • New filter in the tasks section. Now, you can filter tasks by completion date. Plan your daily and upcoming tasks in a matter of seconds. Don’t lose track of any of your clients, and effectively monitor and follow up on each stage of your sales cycle.

📃Documents & Export Process Improvements | Web

We have revolutionized our export solutions to give you deeper options and better control during the whole process so that you can get things done faster than ever. Check out all the improvements that are now available to you!

  • New Cross-Entity capabilities when exporting from Activities or Opportunities: Long gone are the days of having to export different Excel files and link them manually together thanks to our powerful cross-entity export capabilities that let’s you choose the fields you need even if they belong to a different entity!
  • Faster and more intuitive export process: We have completely revamped the export process so that we can guide you through it and give you the best course of action based on the complexity of the export you are trying to accomplish (either a direct download that shows you the progress in real-time or an automatic email for those very complex export processes)

We have also been working on improving your experience when managing documents through our document’s management solution through the following:

  • Newly redesigned and easier to read Documents tree
  • Possibility to find the parent folder of a file when searching or looking at your recent/favorites section
  • Improved Drag&Drop experience

 Multiselection of Documents and Folders to speed up the delete process so that your documents structure is always spotless! 

New Opportunity Pipeline View on Android & iOS

See the status of your opportunities at a glance on your Android & iOS!

Other improvements & features in our latest release Android 3.42.0 and iOS 3.24.0

  • [ANDROID] Dashboard quick creation: press the plus button in the Dashboard to add anything.
  • [ANDROID/iOS] Schedule events/tasks using voice: we take care of linking relevant info and you can edit details using the keyboard.
  • [ANDROID/iOS] More images in activities: add up to 10 images to any activity.
  • [ANDROID/iOS] See who actually participated in a Zoom call: See in the activity detail, who actually participated in a Zoom call.
  • [ANDROID/iOS] Performance improvements: speed, responsiveness and battery usage improved to make you go faster and close more deals.

New Opportunity pipeline Android

SignatureManager 2.0 - Electronic Signature improved

We redesigned the flow with which you request and send a document for electronic signature with SignatureManager. 

You will now be able to select the exact position for the signature for any signee in the preview of a document to be sent for signature. You can also ask for multiple signatures on different pages, e.g. a privacy consent could be signed differently from the signature of the whole document.

Here are a few improvements/new features in our latest Web release 3.110.0:

  • Loading speed improved dramatically: ok for sure you noticed, we improved in an impossible way the speed at which the app loads after you log in and actually in every section you browse. We keep working on this constantly and we are sure you appreciate it.
  • New design for filters: We listened to your feedback and we decided to improve both the interface and the way you interact with filters. We made them easier to read, faster to use and more intuitive. Check them out on Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Orders sections if you haven’t already seen them!
  • Improved export and data field selection: we improve the way in which you can export data from Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Orders sections. It is now possible in every export you do to decide which specific data field you want to export in the list. You can also search for a field from the integrated search to select it more quickly.

WhatsApp Integration improved

Send a WhatsApp (or SMS) by just tapping on the phone number of your contact!

Other fixes/improvements in the iOS version 3.22.0 and Android version 3.39.3

  • [iOS/ANDROID] If you create a goal or have a goal assigned from other users with GoalManager, it will be possible to see who is the person who created and assigned the goal.
  • [iOS/ANDROID] We fixed minor bugs and improved the app performance overall, in particular, we made the Dashboard faster to load so you can manage your day in a snap
  • [ANDROID] We reduced the size of our app to make it lighter to download and faster to use
  • [ANDROID] New design for Drawer lateral menu, and the title bar of every section, we also improved aspects and colours inside each section of the app

New Opportunity Pipeline & Docs Preview on Web

  • We improved the design of the Opportunity section to make it clear what is the status of all of your opportunities and have a better overview of them straight from that section.
  • Now it is possible to Preview PDF Documents and Reports inside ForceManager web app without downloading them.

Here are other updates in the Web 3.106.3 release:

  • Brand new sidebar for accessing more effectively your important data, you can also reduce the size of it with the arrow on the top left corner so that you have more space to work!
  • Add and manage Contacts and Opportunities faster from the Account page, it is now super fast to create or edit a contact or an opportunity straight from the Account detail page.
  • We improved the detail page for Accounts and Opportunities making it more clear to read the data and improving the overall experience on that page.
  • We release new filters by Responsible/Owner 1, 2, 3… on Accounts and Opportunities.
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