Elevate your analysis using the new Advanced Filters

Use the new Advanced Filters and start analyzing your Companies, Contacts, Opportunities and Orders in-depth and in an autonomous and easy way.

While basic filters only allowed for searches based on the exact values of a field, advanced filters allow for more complex searches, based on a vast range of options associated to any fields of any entities.

Start elevating your analysis with the new Advanced Filters!

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All your data finally clean!

The brand new Validation Rules are already available, and they're going to be your best allies to maintain a clean and homogeneous data base.

These Validation Rules verify that the data introduced in a specific field are compliant with a series of prerequisites. Some examples of Validation Rules are texts that cannot contain spaces or capital letters, a number that must belong within a specific range, or even a credit card number, which must be valid and real.

This is why Validation Rules are especially useful for fields such as Email, Web,  Credit Card or even Passport Number, among many others.

All Validation Rules can be configured and applied to the corresponding fields in ForceManager Admin. Once activated, a user won't be able to save information that doesn't satisfy the criteria stated by the admin, and a warning message will be shown.

Are you an Admin and you want to know how you can start using Validation Rules?

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Gain full visibility on your sales process

You can now have visibility on all the activities associated to the sales process of each of your Opportunities by easily linking the related Emails and Calls.

You'll be able to understand from the Opportunity menu itself all the activities related to it, in order to easily comprehend all the opportunity's history and find strong aspects or details to be improved of your sales process. 

This is how you can link Calls and Emails to an opportunity in an easy and intuitive way:

Do you want to know more details to make the most of this functionality?

Read more

Available on Android and iOS.

Place the information where you can see it

We understand there's information about your Accounts that you must be able to find quickly.

This is why we have improved the Featured Fields section, which you can now find among the main information of any of your Accounts:

The purpose of this is for you to save time looking for those fields you keep checking, such as revenue, last activity or anything you find yourself looking for often!

Your account's Admin can select some Featured Fields for you and your team, on top of the Featured Fields you can select yourself with just one click.

Do you want to know how?

Learn how to add Featured Fields

Save time updating numerous entities simultaneously

You can now update multiple entities in ForceManager simultaneously.

This feature can be found in the Import and Export menu in ForceManager Admin. You can use it to update as many fields as you need from your Accounts, Contacts and/or Opportunities simultaneously. Here's how it works:

You will find this feature especially useful when you need to modify one or more fields from numerous entities. This will also come in handy if you decide to add a new field to your Accounts, Contacts or Opportunities.

This new feature allows you to download an Excel with all the entities you need to modify, update the corresponding information in that same Excel file, and upload the file. The new information will be automatically updated in ForceManager.

Read the following article to understand how it works.

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An improved API library is live!

The improved version of our API library is already available. There, you will find the guidance you need to build integrations for ForceManager.

These are the main improvements that come with the new version:

  • New APIs
  • New documentation
  • More examples

With the new version, admins will be able to build integrations without depending on the help from a ForceManager success agent.

Visit the APIs library:

API Documentation